Pre-employment Declaration (DPAE)

Since January 1, 2020, a pre-employment declaration (DPAE in French) is mandatory for maritime employers wishing to hire personnel.

This procedure shall be done within 8 days before the employment date.
Decree no 2019-1517 of December 30, 2019, amending decree no 53-953 of September 30, 1953, amends articles R. 1221-2 and 3 of the Labour Code, and sets in particular that declarations are transmitted to the center URSSAF Poitou-Charentes.

Once the pre-employment declaration is sent, the employer receives a receipt acknowledgment (article R. 1221-7 of the Labour Code) which shall then be handed over to the employee (article R. 1221-9 of the Labour Code).

An employee who has not received an acknowledgement from the employer may ask the center URSSAF Poitou-Charentes by email ( for a copy. A double-sided copy of the national identity card shall be attached to the request.

Check the dedicated section of the URSSAF website. For additional information, contact URSSAF Poitou-Charentes :

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